Woman 33 yo with epigastric pain has been treated as gastritis.
Ultrasound of abdomen detected one mass near the liver
border having hypoechoic peduncule from liver, and changing position with
respiration movement (US1). There is vessel from the liver for peduncule
of tumor (US ). In cross-sectionnal scanning, this tumor represented its well bordered, solid, hypervascular structure (US 3)
MSCT with CE detected this tumor in connecting with the
liver by a long peduncule ( CT 1,sagital view) and in frontal view, this
mass is nearby the ligamentum falciformis (CT2).
CT 3: cross sectionnal scan of tumor =
well contrasted enhancement.
CT 4: vascular supplying for this tumor is a branch from left gastric
artery and another one from liver.